Our Story


One Arrangement Rented // One Tree Planted

Sister Stem Company is rooted in the mission to beautify our community, one event space at a time. We do this through affordable and sustainable faux flower rentals for events across the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. 

As a wedding planner herself, Ashlee noticed first hand how beautiful, expensive arrangements are often thrown out immediately following an event – thousands of dollars and countless design hours tossed to the landfill after only a few hours of glory. When Ashlee shared this concern with her sister, Karlee, the pair knew they needed to act. They committed themselves to reducing economic and environmental waste, both for the bride’s wallet and for the sake of the planet. 

Our hand-picked, personally designed faux blooms have been lovingly arranged to reduce the economic and environmental impact of beautiful event spaces, allowing clients to allocate funds toward elements of their event that matter most to them. 

A portion of each rented arrangement is planted directly back into our community. One rented arrangement // one planted tree. These trees serve as living “sister stems” representative of your event that will live on and create beauty in our community for years to come.

Meet the Team

  • Ashlee



    Favorite Flower: Ranunculus

    As a DFW wedding planner, I quickly saw the need for affordable and stunningly beautiful floral arrangements for weddings. After a few conversations with my big sister, it was a no-brainer that we needed to offer a solution to this problem!

    Sister Stem Co. exists to serve members of our community that desire for their wedding, baby shower, luncheon, or any other special event to give back to the environment in a really special and lasting way. The fact that I get to do all of this with my sister is a dream come true!

  • Karlee



    Favorite Flower: Delphinium

    Starting Sister Stem Co. with my sister is the most fun adventure! After living and working in flashy Dubai through my mid-20s, I grew a new appreciation for nature’s beauty and it’s benefit to our well-being. I travelled often, and each time I’d take note of how being near trees, flowers, and greenery always improved my spirits: better air, better energy, better life!

    I’m honored to co-lead the team at Sister Stem Company, where we all come together to create more beauty in event spaces, our community, and the world.